Letters to Our Children – July


It’s time for our monthly blog circle, Letters to Our Children.  Once you finish reading, please take a moment to travel around the circle.  I am lucky enough to have become friends with some immensely talented photographers through the Clickin’ Moms Forum, sometimes I don’t know how got so lucky to be included in this incredibly talented circle of women.

This month I am writing to my youngest, my Michael.



Do you know what is a hard word for Mommy? Five.  Five is hard for me to accept.  I don’t really understand how you are turning FIVE at the end of this month.  It feels like you were just born, and now you’re five.  It may be cliche, but time really does fly.  When you were born, everything was a little crazy.  Uncle Larry was very, very sick,  and everyone was very worried.  There were lots of tests and procedures being done to see who and how we could help save his life.  So while you were still inside my tummy, I had blood taken and Uncle Vince had blood taken to see which one of us could hopefully be a stem cell donor for Uncle Larry.  And I truly believe there is a reason that Uncle Vince was a perfect match.  It would have been all kinds of craziness packing up two kids and a two week old baby to fly out to Arizona and help save Uncle Larry’s life, we would have made it work, somehow, but I believe everything works out for a reason….

I can honestly say you are like no other little boy I know.  You are funny and quirky and one of a kind.  You have all sorts of “Michael-isms” that make you who you are.  So I thought I’d write out a list of all the randomness that makes you who you are:

– When someone asks you your name, you tell them it’s “Michael Jo-phes (Not Joseph) Foley”

– You use the words, actually and seriously in everyday conversation.

– Your new phrase is “on the bright side” (Seriously, what  almost five-year old talks like this?!)

– I call you my angry elf, because you have a scowl like no other.

– You could eat waffles all day, everyday if someone would let you.

– You never, ever pick out matching pajamas.  You wear them backwards, and inside out and mismatched every night.

– You have no interest of getting out of your pajamas ever.  You could hang out in them all day, and some days we do.

– You love swimming and running.

– You hate bees and spiders.

– You are always the first to admit when you did something.  You generally deny it once, and then reply with “Fine, don’t be mad, but it was me.”

– For your birthday all you want is 200 pieces of bubble gum.


Happy Fifth Birthday to you, little man.

I love you to the moon and back!




Next up in the in the circle is my friend , Heather, of Little Birdie Photography. Take a moment to follow the circle around to see what she has to say.

Letters to Our Children July » Kristen Ryan Photography - […] Sean and Haley. When you’re done, continue on the circle and see what my talented friend, Dana of Dana Foley Photography has to share with us this […]

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