The Way I View… New Beginnings

I have the honor of participating in a personal project with some very talented photographers I’ve met through participating in the Clickin’ Moms forum.  Each month we will have a new theme, and “the way I  view it”  I am very excited to be a part of this group of amazing women. Our first theme, is “New Beginnings.”   I’m not one that handles change well… so new beginnings tend to throw me for a loop.  But, in the past year, a lot has changed, and I’ve decided to take the turning lemons into lemonade approach.  Up until this past summer, I was a working Mom; my new beginning, is the journey of being a stay-at-home Mom, and the challenges, and joy in all the little things that come with my new job title.  I’m working on taking in the little moments, like pancakes on a Monday morning, and hanging out with my youngest after the older two have gone to school.  It’s so much more rewarding spending my days with people that really matter… and making memories with my family.


Next up in the blog circle is my very talented friend, Lisa Benemelis, .  Lisa is not only an amazing photographer, with a masterful use of light, but she is one of the kindest, most genuine people I know, and I think you’d love getting to know her too.


The Way I View. . .New Beginnings | Harley Madison Photography - […] for looking!  Now, take a few minutes to follow the circle around to see how my friend Dana Foley views New […]

Kristen - Love this Dana! Your kids are so lucky to have you and to have wonderful documentation of your daily life together as they grow up!

Aimee - Dana, I love these! These are wonderful lifestyle images. Enjoy your new time at home and quiet mornings with your little one!

Kristen - Lovely, Dana! So excited to see where your New Beginning takes you over the coming months. :-)

Allison - Dana, your images are a perfect illustration of those “little moments” that you speak of. I can tell they are very personal. <3 Welcome to the SAHM club. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I'm sure you wouldn't either!

Katrina - Oh Dana, I love these — the images themselves and the beautiful story they tell. Looks like you are off to a great start in your New Beginning! :)

Dani - Beautiful sentiment and photographs Dana! I love your take on capturing the little moments.

Nadeen - Beautiful images of your new beginning!

Lisa Benemelis - Dana, I am so thrilled to be doing this project with you. I have loved getting to know you better and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work. <3 I love that you have captured your special day with your youngest. Pancake mornings are the best!! Thank you for your kind words. <3

kara - what a huge transition. i’m sure a great adventure lies ahead and you will get many more lovely images like these.

Beth Simpkins - I know this is a big change for you and definitely an adjustment. There will be so many more little moments that you will be able to capture. The every day hum drum brings in many fun and unexpected moments. Your images tell a wonderful story of the year to come! Beautiful!

Tracy - Oh, Dana, I love this series and your words at the top. It sounds like you and I have similar days (with two older ones heading off to school and spending the day with the littlest). I’m so looking forward to seeing more of your photography this year!

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